Start building lasting wealth in 9 (often missed) steps.

Retraining Your Brain for Success

Retraining your brain

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used to create them,” said Albert Einstein. If you’re unhappy with your current condition, retraining your brain is the first step to change.

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Unlocking your full potential by retraining your brain

That little voice in your head — the one saying you can’t, you shouldn’t, they wouldn’t — isn’t doing you any favors. In fact, the limiting beliefs fostered by that annoying little voice are holding you back from unlocking your full potential and getting the life you want.

How, then, will retraining your brain change your mindset and your current condition?

JR Badian works for NeuroGym, using emerging technologies to help people with creating opportunities for themselves in the areas of finance, health, wealth and personal development. NeuroGym applies scientifically-proven techniques for retraining your brain by expanding your mental and emotional powers to maximize your performance and potential.

Listen to JR’s Story:

What JR knows about retraining your brain for success

JR has enjoyed a successful career in finance and marketing; prior to joining the team at NeuroGym, he spent five years as VP of Digital Marketing at MasterCard. JR has been named one of Brand Innovators 40 Under 40 (2013) and OUTstanding’s Top 100 LGBT Executives (2016). JR shares his advice on Queer Money about making an impact in your community and how acceptance drives innovation and growth. Listen and learn more about how NeuroGym can help with retraining your brain and overcoming limiting beliefs!

Topics covered about retraining your brain

JR’s advice around making an impact in your community

  • Focus on others
  • Build ‘persistencies’
  • Go out of way to help others
  • Simplest things are most profound
  • Start every exchange with something positive (e.g.: smile)

How acceptance drives innovation and growth

  • Acceptance leads to diversity
  • Diversity multiplies ideas (innovation)
  • Companies that innovate will grow
  • Starts with acceptance of self
  • Can’t do best work if not yourself
  • Learn from success and failure

John Assaraf’s NeuroGym

  • John is well-known success coach, appeared in The Secret
  • Spent years studying retraining your brain, creating a new movement
  • Systematic approach to overcome failures, get more out of life
  • Unlock potential through ‘Innercises’
  • Change mindset through brain retraining
  • Overcome limiting beliefs

The origin of limiting beliefs

  • History, books, school
  • Friends, family
  • Develop thought pattern
  • Beliefs drive behavior, how see world
  • Happens on unconscious level

How to overcome limiting beliefs by retraining your brain

  • Implicit beliefs (I can’t…, I don’t deserve…) are programmed
  • May declare otherwise (explicit beliefs)
  • Misalignment of implicit, explicit = chaos

The NeuroGym approach to behavior change

  • Evidence-based methods
  • Reprogram subconscious mind
  • ‘Innercises’ that retrain brain
  • Give confidence, edge
  • Don’t get upset, derailed by little things

The upcoming BRAIN-A-THON on October 7 for retraining your brain

  • Free, live online event
  • Features best brain experts
  • Overcoming fear of failure
  • Tapping into the subconscious mind
  • Retraining your brain for success

The value of surrounding yourself with people that push you

  • Ignites mental growth
  • Raises your game, aspirations
Note: This article contains affiliate links. This means we’ll receive a small commission at no cost to you if you buy items through these links. We only recommend products that we use or have thoroughly vetted and would recommend to our moms.

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