Start building lasting wealth in 9 (often missed) steps.

How to Build Wealth in Yourself and Your Community

How to build wealth  

Women are generally paid less than their male counterparts, are often the primary caregivers for children and aging parents and are heavily targeted by advertisers. Sound familiar to anyone in the LGBTQ community? So, how can we all build wealth to level the playing field?

Hear the benefits of building wealth

Advantages of building wealth 

Allegra Moet Brantly is the Founder and CEO at Factora Wealth, a platform designed to empower women to build real wealth through community, education and events. She spent nine years in corporate America, living paycheck to paycheck despite a six-figure salary, before reinventing herself as an entrepreneur. Allegra is passionate about helping women level-up their earning and investing potential to achieve financial freedom.

On this episode of Queer Money®, Allegra joins us to explain what inspired her mission to help one million women reach $1M in net worth. We discuss the parallels between women and the LGBTQ community when it comes to money, and Allegra offers insight on the value of developing financial literacy within a community. Listen in for Allegra’s advice on spending in alignment with what brings you joy and learn some simple strategies for initiating the money conversation with your friends and colleagues.

Topics covered to help build wealth

What inspired Allegra to help 1M women get to $1M

  • A baseline for a comfortable retirement
  • Can be replicated over and over

Allegra’s insight around living the American Dream

  • Taught to go to college and get a good job
  • Most don’t question, live with discomfort

The three asset classes we can use to build wealth

  1. Paper
  2. Real estate
  3. Business

The parallels between women and the LGBTQ community

  • Make less money for the same role
  • Default caregivers for aging parents
  • Targeted to spend on consumer goods

Why Allegra is focused on developing financial literacy

  • Teach to build wealth (disconnect time + money)
  • Align spending with what brings joy

Allegra’s take on saving for an emergency fund

  • Matter of WHEN, not IF emergency happens
  • Won’t throw financial life into crisis

The value of learning about money in a community

  • Creates accountability
  • Help women HAVE more (not just earn more)

Allegra’s advice for initiating the money conversation

  • Talk with colleagues to uncover inequities
  • Open up about financial life with friends
  • Write down goals and share with others

Factora Wealth’s partnership with Capital One

  • Need for conversation re women + wealth
  • Host live event series to talk about money

Connect with Allegra

Resources on wealth in the community


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