Start building lasting wealth in 9 (often missed) steps.

5 Easy Steps to Train Yourself to Build Wealth

Hi there! You new here? We love that you found our gay little corner of the web. Here at Debt Free Guys, we’re all about helping queer people live lives they truly love inside and out. We think happiness is a 360-degree experience (purpose, love, money, wellness, and lifestyle) that you also deserve. After reading our article below, see how we can help you more here.

How can you train yourself to build wealth?

Eighty-eight percent of millionaires didn’t inherit or win their wealth; they made it themselves! But how and can you? Yes, and here’s how. Meanwhile, grab your free copy of the  5 Building Blocks of a Happy Gay Life here.

Hear our advice on training yourself to build wealth 

Shift your mindset to train yourself to build wealth 

On this episode of Queer Money®, we share our top 5 tips for training your brain to make more money, describing how to create a new belief by focusing on what it will feel like to build the wealth you want. We explain how to use mantras to overcome limiting beliefs and why it’s crucial to surround yourself with other wealth-building people. Listen in for insight on spending less than you make and learn how to create habits that will keep you focused on growing your wealth—even when you’re not working!

Topics covered on training yourself to build wealth

  • Our top 5 tips for training your brain to make more money
  • Why the first step in building wealth is BELIEF
  • How to create a new belief by focusing on what it will feel like to make the money you want
  • How to use mantras to overcome limiting beliefs
  • The difference between wealth-building people and people who just look rich
  • How to shift some of your social time to making wealth-building connections
  • How spending more than you make reinforces a sense of lack
  • What wealthy people do to make their money work for them (even when they’re not working)
  • How surrounding yourself with likeminded people helps keep you focused on building wealth
  • The value in spending time on learning a skill that will grow your income

Resources to build wealth


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